7 HPV Facts you probably do not know!


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You've definitely heard of HPV, but how much do you really know about it? Let's dive into some HPV facts that might surprise you! Don’t forget to share the knowledge with friends and family! Spread the word, not the virus!

1. Do you know most people will get HPV at least once in their lifetime?

It's estimated that nearly 80% of sexually active individuals will contract at least one type of HPV in their lifetime. That's roughly 4 out of 5 people. What's more, a significant portion of those infected will clear the virus naturally without ever experiencing symptoms or even realizing they had it.

2. Do you know which country has highest HPV?

女性HPV 感染率最高的地區是撒哈拉以南非洲 (24%),其次是拉丁美洲和加勒比地區 (16%)、東歐 (14%) 和東南亞 (14%)。男性的感染率則根據性行為趨勢而差異很大。 子宮頸癌發病率和死亡率最高的國家均為低收入和中等收入國家,反映了缺乏由國家推行 HPV 疫苗接種、子宮頸癌篩查和治療服務而產生的不公平現象。

3. Do you know that condoms don't fully protect against HPV?

雖然保險套可顯著降低 HPV 傳播的風險,但並不能提供完全的保護。因為 HPV 可以通過保險套未覆蓋區域的皮膚接觸傳播。

4. Do you know that cervical cancer is preventable?

Thanks to HPV vaccination and cervical screening programs, cervical cancer is one of the most preventable cancers. Early detection and prompt treatment are key to successful outcomes!

5. Do you know an HPV infection doesn't equal a cancer diagnosis?

Most HPV infections clear up on their own, thanks to your immune system. Even persistent infections don't always lead to cancer. Regular screening is key for early detection and treatment of precancerous changes, preventing them from progressing to cancer.

6. Do you know that cervical cancer could be eliminated? This is the long-term goal set by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Most HPV infections clear up on their own, thanks to your immune system. Even persistent infections don't always lead to cancer. Regular screening is key for early detection and treatment of precancerous changes, preventing them from progressing to cancer.

7. Do you know if HPV can be detected by a urine test?

Compared to the traditional Pap smear, the latest technology offer HPV urine test, which is a more private and non-invasive method to detect the presence of HPV.

INDICAID妥析HPV 尿液檢測 [標準版]

Detect 14 types of high-risk HPV in urine samples, offering a painless and non-invasive self-sampling option for cervical cancer screening!

  • 準確度媲美拭子HPV檢測
  • HPV檢測比傳統柏氏抹片更靈敏
  • 檢測14種可致癌高風險HPV病毒
  • Offer service upgrade to 27 HPV type
  • 自行採樣、無痛無創、私隱度高
  • 男女適用
  • 專人上門收取/自行遞交樣本
  • 5個工作天內收取報告
  • HPV positive post-test support
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