A: Influenza A
B: 乙型流感病毒
COVID-19: 新冠病毒
ADV: 呼吸道腺病毒
RSV: 呼吸道合胞病毒
MP: 肺炎支原體
- 請細心留意! 指示線的顏色深淺度可能會有差異或顯得很微弱!
- Make sure there is a line next to the 'C'! Your result is INVALID if there is no 'C' line.
2INDICAID妥析呼吸道病毒6合1 (兒童版)測試準確度達99%
- 新冠病毒:靈敏度 96.25%、特異度99.47%
- 甲型流感病毒:靈敏度 96.13%、特異度99.58%
- 乙型流感病毒:靈敏度 96.20%、特異度99.37%
- 呼吸道合胞病毒:靈敏度 97.4%、特異度99.68%
- 呼吸道腺病毒:靈敏度 98.05%、特異度99.47%
- 肺炎支原體:靈敏度 95.60%、特異度99.47%
Are you considering using a rapid test for your child and encountered any of these issues?
Does your child resist testing?
Will it hurt?
This test uses a specially designed extra smooth swab, which is less irritating than others on the market, to minimize discomfort during sampling.
When should you use a RESPIRATORY 6-in-1 Rapid Antigen Test (Children Edition)?
Complete Instruction Guide: Download here
Rapid Antigen Test
Rapid Antigen Test