Recently, on the TVB program ‘ Scoop’ (東張西望), 中提及,醫生建議看病前應該先自行做快測,便可以輔助醫生準確找出病源,繼而對症下藥,因為最有效便是發病頭48小時內服用特效藥治療,可有效減低重症和傳播風險!
此外,在疾病初期,病毒量通常很低,症狀也輕微,往往不容易及時察覺和難以分辨。因此,專家指出準確的檢測結果至關重要!靈敏度 (sensitivity) 和特異度 (specificity) 則是評估準確性時的重要指標,而檢測限 (LoD) 亦是一個不能忽略的重要因素!

So, what is LoD?
檢測限 (LoD) 全名為Limit of Detection,當應用於快速測試時,檢測限是指可檢測病毒最小的檢測量。檢測限(LoD)越低表示可檢測出較輕微/無徵狀患者。

What does the value of LoD mean?
A lower detection limit indicates the ability to detect the virus at lower levels. A low LoD value means the rapid test can detect the virus in a sample, even when the viral load is low. To put it more plainly, it means that the test can return a positive test result even when the patient is in an early stage of infection or exhibiting asymptomatic. Correctly identifying an infection early is important, as it allows early treatment, reduces complications, and reduces the risk of transmitting the infection to others. Common respiratory diseases may present with similar symptoms but require different treatment approaches. For example, in the case of influenza infection, the most effective treatment is to administer antiviral medication within 48 hours of symptom onset, which can shorten the duration of illness and reduce complications associated with seasonal influenza. Therefore, the ability to rapidly and accurately determine viral infection is crucial.
Conversely, a high LoD value means the rapid test is only capable of detecting the virus when the viral load is high in a sample. Hence, a rapid test with a high LoD value can only provide a positive test result when the patient is at a later stage of infection, given the virus may not be detectable in the early stages. That means the patient will likely have missed their best opportunity for early treatment, all because of using a rapid test with a high LoD value!
The LoD value can vary significantly across various rapid tests, therefore, it is advisable for patients with mild symptoms to opt for a rapid test with a lower LoD. This approach is crucial in mitigating the potential risk of false-negative test results and ensuring accurate diagnosis.

There are many different brands out there, so how to identify which one is the most accurate? When choosing a rapid test, it's important to pay attention to the Detection of Limit (LoD).
These days, there are tons of brands in the market with different prices and features, making it so hard to compare and choose. According to the comparative study data report, it shows that INDICAID™ RESPIRATORY 5-in-1 Rapid Antigen Test has a Limit of Detection that’s 4 times lower than other brands on the market. This indicates that INDICAID can provide a positive test result much earlier than other brands when patients are at an early stage of infection, which can help them with appropriate treatment earlier.

INDICAID™妥析™ 5合1 快速測試1次測試同時檢測5種病毒

RESPIRATORY 5-in-1 Rapid Antigen Test
- 4x more accurate than comparable brands1
- FDA recognized Hong Kong brand
- 99% accuracy 2
- Used by private hospitals
- 小童適用
1 INDICAID RESPIRATORY 5-in-1 Rapid Antigen Test has a Limit of Detection (LoD) over 4 times as low as other comparable brands. A low LoD value means the test can detect the virus even when the viral load is low, or when the patient is in an early stage of infection, which can help patients access earlier treatment options.
2 呼吸道病毒5合1測試準確度達99%
- 新冠病毒:靈敏度 99.04%、特異度100%
- Flu A: Sensitivity: 97.89%, Specificity: 99.32%
- 乙型流感病毒:靈敏度 97.83%、特異度99.28%
- 呼吸道合胞病毒:靈敏度 96.43%、特異度98.58%
- 呼吸道腺病毒:靈敏度 97.80%、特異度99.32%