HPV vaccine alone wasn't a lifetime solution



It is well known that the HPV vaccine can prevent cervical cancer and diseases caused by HPV infection. Lately, there have been reports of a woman who was diagnosed with cervical cancer three years after receiving the HPV vaccine. This news has raised concerns and cast doubt on the effectiveness of vaccines. So, is it true that receiving the HPV vaccine could guarantee protection against cervical cancer? Well, the answer is definitely NO!

Why am I still getting HPV infected after full vaccination?


Current vaccines do not cover all subtypes

There are 3 types of HPV vaccines available in the market including the Cervarix (2-valent), Gardasil (4-valent), and Gardasil (9-valent) vaccines. The higher the number of valency, the wider the range of viruses it could be protected. Currently, the 9-valent HPV vaccine could protect against 7 high-risk and 2 low-risk HPV virus types. Getting vaccinated against HPV can effectively prevent genital warts and certain HPV infections, however, there are over 200 subtypes of HPV, including 14 high-risk types that can cause cancer! The current vaccines do not cover all subtypes.

Vaccines cannot eliminate an existing HPV infection

The HPV vaccine is a preventive vaccine and does not have a therapeutic effect. Receiving an HPV vaccine does not guarantee lifelong immunity against cervical cancer since it cannot eliminate HPV that may already exist in the body. HPV vaccine alone wasn't a lifetime solution to prevent cervical cancer.


Research has shown that 95% of cervical cancer is raised by HPV infection, while 80% of men and women will be infected with HPV in their lifetime. This is the reason why the World Health Organization recommends HPV testing as an effective screening method for cervical cancer prevention. It allows early detection of HPV infection during the early stages of precancerous conditions and prompt treatment, thereby reducing the risk of developing cervical cancer.

Moreover, in April 2023, the Department of Health transitioned to HPV testing as the primary screening method for cervical cancer. Getting vaccinated alone cannot replace cervical screening. Please remember that both the vaccine and HPV testing are necessary to prevent cervical cancer!

INDICAID™ HPV Urine Test (with Report)

INDICAID™妥析™ HPV 尿液樣本測試 (連報告)

INDICAID™ HPV Urine Test is a new generation, accurate, private, and easy-to-use cervical cancer screening test that detects the presence of HPV. Empowered by the patented PHASiFY technology for urine DNA concentration and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT), the test can detect 27 types of HPV (14 high-risk HPVs and 13 low-risk HPVs) in urine samples, providing you with a more efficient, convenient, and comprehensive analysis of your cervical cancer risk.

  • Lowering the risk of developing over 95% of cervical cancer
  • Non-invasive, painless, private, easy-to-use
  • Suitable for men & women, protecting yourself and your partner from infection
  • Sample pick-up or drop-off service
  • Digital lab test report issued in 5 working days after the lab receives the sample
  • Follow-up care can be arranged when HPV is detected
Learn more about the product →