訂閱 INDICAID 電子快訊

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INDICAID x HKBN_Web Banner_Web Banner_2568_917_TC 1.png__PID:54623d17-d4eb-4a47-92fa-c8808d31caa6INDICAID x HKBN_Web Banner_Web Banner_1477_1477_TC (1).png__PID:cbb83de1-c22a-44a9-97df-89620f705204


Please fill in the following personal information to activate the service plan for future redemption of INDICAID designated products.

(For the service terms of the Hong Kong Broadband × INDICAID 'Monthly Testing' self-selected testing combination plan, please  click here for details

(Note: You must use this registered email address for redemption on the designated INDICAID webpages once the redemption service is activated later)

如閣下願意接收INDICAID的電子快訊,即表示已閱讀及同意INDICAID妥析的  service terms 和 privacy policy