Product Information

甚麼是 INDICAID™妥析™ HPV 尿液樣本測試? 
INDICAID™ 妥析™ HPV (人類乳頭瘤病毒) 尿液樣本測試提供嶄新、準確、私密、簡單易用的子宮頸癌篩查檢測體驗。INDICAID 採用尿液 DNA 濃縮專利技術 PHASiFY,可從尿液樣本中檢測 14 種 可致癌高風險HPV病毒,助你更早、更全面篩查患上子宮頸癌的風險。
可以檢測到哪幾種 HPV 病毒?
INDICAID™妥析™ HPV (人類乳頭瘤病毒) 尿液樣本測試可驗出14 種可致癌高風險HPV病毒,包括:

  • 14 種高風險 HPV 病毒:16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68

    提供加購升級至27種HPV尿液測試服務,包括以上14 種 可致癌高風險HPV病毒及附加13 種低風險 HPV 病毒:

  • 13種低風險 HPV 病毒:6, 11, 26, 30, 34, 53, 67, 69, 70, 73, 82, 85, 97
    HPV 6、11 可引致 9 成的生殖器疣俗稱椰菜花,一般出現在陰莖的包皮系帶、陰莖冠溝、尿道出口、肛門、陰道出口、陰唇、陰道及子宮頸;其餘低風險 HPV 同屬 2A 及 2B 類致癌物
  • 如何加購升級至27種HPV尿液測試? 
    請先購買INDICAID™妥析™ HPV 尿液樣本測試,如需升級,請於「網上啟動測試」中進行升級,並完成網上付款。

    INDICAID™ HPV Urine Test and Pap smear test are two different technologies.

    INDICAID™ HPV Urine Test detects the HPV virus DNA from users’ urine sample; whereas Pap smear test detects precancerous lesion through examination on the collected cervical cells under a microscope performed by laboratory technicians.

    篩查的次序可以由 HPV DNA 檢測開始,如檢測出 HPV 病毒,可以再透過柏氏抺片檢查已知的病毒是否出現細胞病變。

    是否適用於檢測口腔、咽喉或其他部位的 HPV 病毒?

    INDICAID™ HPV Urine Test is designed to detect HPV virus DNA from urine sample rather than mouth, throat or other areas. Should you wish to test for HPV from other areas, please seek professional medical advice.

    Test Eligibility


    Regular HPV tests are recommended for the following groups that are prone to higher risk of HPV infection, including: early first sexual intercourse, multiple sexual partners, active sex life, unsafe life, regular smokers, chronic immunosuppression, use of contraceptive pills, pregnant / postpartum women5.


    It is suitable for both men and women. It is reported that 80% of men and women will acquire HPV in their lifetime, everyone can transmit HPV to their partners. Therefore, it is recommended to get tested for HPV regularly to protect yourself and your partner6

    部分市場上的 HPV 測試產品要求自行於陰道內採樣,因此只適合女士使用。INDICAID™妥析™ HPV 尿液樣本測試是透過尿液樣本來檢測用家是否存有 HPV DNA,因此沒有性別限制,男女同時適用。


    Women should avoid collecting urine sample for the test during menstruation as excessive impurities might affect test result.


    Yes, pregnant women can use the test.


    Yes, all users must be aged 18 or above.




    No. The test is only applicable to humans at the moment.

    How to Use


    Activate your kit online

    1. 掃描您的專屬二維碼
    2. 填寫線上表格
    3. Choose your sample submission method
    Collect your urine sample
    1. 採集排尿的首段 90-100亳升尿液樣本於採樣瓶內
    2. 將保存液倒入已載有尿液的採樣瓶中
    3. Re-cap tightly the filled urine collection bottle. Gently invert 3-5 times to mix the urine with the preservative
    Pack & return your sample
    1. 填寫樣本標貼並張貼在已裝滿尿液的採樣瓶上
    2. 將採樣瓶放入樣本袋中並將其密封
    3. 將封好的樣本袋放入外包裝袋中並將其密封
    4. 必須於採樣後24小時內根據已選擇的樣本遞交方式遞交樣本

    No, you can maintain normal sex life before the test.


    Yes, but please avoid drinking excessive fluid prior to urine collection.


    You should store the sample between 15-30°C and avoid sunlight.

    Pack & return your sample


    After scanning your unique QR code, you can choose your sample submission method via the online form, including sample pick-up ($120) / drop-off.


    Please ensure your urine sample is returned and packed correctly, otherwise your submitted sample will not be processed and no refund will be granted:

  • 掃瞄您的二維碼,填妥線上表格和選擇樣本遞交方式
  • 已將保存液倒入已載有尿液的採樣瓶中
  • 已填寫樣本標貼並張貼在採樣瓶上
  • Had your sample picked up / dropped off on or before the expiry date listed on the test kit
  • 可以到哪裡自行提交樣本?

    您可以於採樣後 24 小時內遞交樣本至以下地點:

  • 中環 - 百樂醫務化驗室:中環皇后大道中 70 號卡佛大廈 15 樓 1502B 室
  • Causeway Bay – Hong Kong Health Check: 14/F, Fortune Centre, 44-48 Yun Ping Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
  • Jordan - Hong Kong Health : 4/F Reception Centre, HKHC Tower, 241-243 Nathan Road, Jordan, Kowloon
  • Healthy Square - Shop G03, G/F, Star House, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon (MTR East Tsim Sha Tsui Station L6 Exit)
  • 旺角 - 晉上醫療體檢中心:九龍旺角彌敦道678號華僑商業中心14樓B室
  • 觀塘 - 百樂醫務化驗室:觀塘巧明街 117 號港貿中心 3 樓 304 室 (連接 APM)
  • 新蒲崗 - 相達醫學化驗所:九龍新蒲崗六合街21號駿星創科中心8樓全層(鑽石山港鐵站A1出口)
  • 荃灣 - 百樂醫務化驗室:荃灣青山公路 264-298 號南豐中心 22 樓 2203F 室
  • 元朗 - 百樂醫務化驗室:元朗大棠路 11 號光華廣場 12 樓 1205 室
  • 沙田 - 香港體檢:沙田沙田車站圍1號連城廣場2樓208-211號舖
  • Click here for the opening hours and customer hotlines of each drop-off location


    Pick-up service is currently unavailable for remote areas. You can choose to drop off your sample to our drop-off points.


    Should you wish to change your arrangement for sample pick-up, please contact our customer service at 3700 8888.

    Receive Report


    Test report will be available via email & SMS




    Your sample will be processed at the PHASE LAB.

    What's Next?


    如檢測出HPV 病毒陽性,請向醫生尋求後續跟進。 我們亦會主動與您聯絡提供協助。

    測出 HPV 病毒陰性應怎樣做?

    Routine HPV screening tests for cervical cancer should be done. If you experience any swelling, bleeding, pain or other discomfort, seek medical advice promptly.


    Please contact our customer service at 3700 8888 for a receipt.