Parents beware!
What you should know about adenovirus infections



With respiratory infections on the rise in Hong Kong this year, many lesser known but common respiratory viruses are surging in the community, one of them being adenoviruses (ADV). Adenoviruses are a common cause for upper respiratory illnesses and is known to be highly contagious. In fact, adenoviruses are known to cause outbreaks in settings such as schools and hospitals! Here’s what you should know about adenovirus infections, and how you can protect yourself and your family against infection!

What are Adenoviruses?

Adenoviruses are a group of viruses that commonly cause respiratory illnesses. Depending on the serotype of the virus, an adenovirus infection can exhibit respiratory symptoms akin to a cold or the flu, along with other symptoms such as diarrhoea and pink eye. While infections are generally mild, adenoviruses can cause severe respiratory illnesses.

  • Common Symptoms:  Fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, eye inflammation (pink eye)
  • Complications:  Bronchitis and pneumonia
  • Infection Season:  All Year

Who is more likely to get an adenovirus infection?

While adenovirus infections can infect people of all ages, children, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems are more likely to get infected. Children ages 6 months to 2 years attending day-care are more likely to become ill with an adenovirus infection. In fact, most children would have gotten at least 1 adenovirus infection by the age of 10!

  • People at high risk of infection:  兒童、長者同免疫力受損的人士

How do adenoviruses spread?


  • How it spreads:  Respiratory droplets, stool
  • Where are infections common:  Schools, day-care, hospitals, and swimming pools
  • Incubation period:  2 days to 2 weeks

How do you do know if you’re infected with adenovirus?

As symptoms of an adenovirus infection can appear similar the flu or the common cold, getting tested is a great way to protect yourself and your family from infection and / or complications.

Using self-tests like the INDICAID RESPIRATORY 5-in-1 Rapid Antigen Test can help you quickly differentiate which common respiratory virus might be causing your symptoms, e.g. COVID-19, Flu A & B, RSV or ADV. Knowing which virus is causing your symptoms and help you and your family can seek the right treatment earlier.

INDICAID™妥析™呼吸道病毒5合1 快速抗原檢測試劑盒

RESPIRATORY 5-in-1 Rapid Antigen Test

  • 4x more accurate than comparable brands1
  • Results in 15 minutes
  • 99% accuracy 2
  • Painless shallow nasal swab
Learn more

How are adenovirus infections treated?

  • Treatment options:  Getting rest, drinking plenty of fluids, and seeking medical advice for serious symptoms
  • Medication options:  No particular antiviral medications for adenovirus infections

How can adenovirus infections be prevented?

  • Good habits to prevent infections:  Handwashing, cleaning shared surfaces, and staying at home when ill


1 INDICAID RESPIRATORY 5-in-1 Rapid Antigen Test has a Limit of Detection (LoD) over 4 times as low as other comparable brands. A low LoD value means the test can detect the virus even when the viral load is low, or when the patient is in an early stage of infection, which can help patients access earlier treatment options.

2 呼吸道病毒5合1測試準確度達99%
- 新冠病毒:靈敏度 99.04%、特異度100%
- Flu A: Sensitivity: 97.89%, Specificity: 99.32%
- 乙型流感病毒:靈敏度 97.83%、特異度99.28%
- 呼吸道合胞病毒:靈敏度 96.43%、特異度98.58%
- 呼吸道腺病毒:靈敏度 97.80%、特異度99.32%